Entrant ICD Solutions

Single and Dual Chamber Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD)

MRI Safety

The Entrant™ ICD is MR Conditional when used with MR Conditional leads for full body scans using a 1.5T or 3T field strength MRI scanner.

For additional information about specific MR Conditional devices and leads, including scan parameters, warnings, precautions, adverse conditions to MRI scanning and potential adverse events, please refer to the Abbott MRI-Ready Systems Manual.

Abbott’s MRI-Ready High Voltage Device Setup for Gallant and Entrant ICD and CRT-Ds (11:45)

Learn the steps for safely preparing Abbott’s MRI-Ready GallantTM and Entrant High Voltage ICD and CRT-D devices for an MRI scan.

MRI Scan Parameters

Lead ModelMagnet (Tesla)RF Transmit ConditionsScan Region
Durata™ Defibrillation Lead
7120Q (lead lengths: 58, 65 cm)
7122Q (lead lengths: 58, 65 cm)
7120 (lead lengths: 60, 65 cm)
7122 (lead lengths: 60, 65 cm)
1.5T / 3TNormal Operating ModeFull-body
Optisure™ Defibrillation Lead
LDA220Q (lead lengths: 58, 65 cm)
LDA210Q (lead lengths: 58, 65 cm)
LDA220 (lead lengths: 60, 65 cm)
LDA210 (lead lengths: 60, 65 cm)
1.5T / 3T
Tendril™ STS Pacing Lead
2088TC (lead lengths: 46, 52 cm)
1.5T / 3T
Tendril MRI™ Pacing Lead
LPA1200M (lead lengths: 46, 52 cm)
UltiPace™ Pacing Lead
LPA1231 (lead lengths: 46, 52 cm)
1.5T / 3T
MRI Settings*
TACHY TherapyDisabled
MRI ModeDOO; VOO; AOO; Pacing Off
MRI Base Rate30-100 bpm
MRI Paced AV Delay25-120 ms
MRI Pulse Amplitude5.0 or 7.5 V
MRI Pulse Width1.0 ms
MRI Pulse ConfigurationBipolar
MRI TimeoutOff; 3; 6; 9; 12; 24 hours

*DOO, AOO and paced AV delays are only applicable to the DR models.

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