Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction

Diagnosis and Referral for Health Care Practitioners (HCPs)

Assessing for Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD)

Go Beyond the Angiogram

A diagnosis for your patients’ persistent angina is possible. But to discover the root cause of persistent angina, patients may need an accurate diagnosis that requires more than the angiogram alone.1

Provide Your Patients With Peace of Mind

Find out how patients can experience symptom relief and improved quality of life² with an accurate, clear Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD) diagnosis.


  1. Taqueti VR, et al. Coronary microvascular disease pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic options: JACC state-of-the-art review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72:2625–2641.
  2. Ford TJ, et al. 1-year outcomes of angina management guided by invasive coronary function testing (CorMicA). J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2020;13:33-45.

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