Abbott is committed to providing haemostasis management solutions to help patients and hospitals thrive. Time management, patient and staff flow, hospital costs, and throughput can all impact overall hospital efficiency.
Our haemostasis management portfolio aims to drive hospital efficiency through:
The FemoStop™ Compression Assist Device uses hands-free compression of the femoral artery or vein to offer precise haemostasis management and patient comfort.
Fabbricatore D et al. (2023) Ambulatory PV isolation workflow using suture-mediated vascular closure devices: a prospective observational cohort study. (PRO-PVI Study). Europace. 25(4):1361-1368
The Use of the Perclose ProGlide Suture Mediated Closure (SMC) Device for Venous Access-Site Closure up to 24F Sheaths. Kar, Saibal; Hermiller, James; et al. CRT 2018.
Feasibility and Safety of Same Day Discharge for Patients Undergoing Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Ablation in a Community Hospital Setting. HRS 2020 Poster.
Verma S. Same-Day Discharge for AF Ablation: What Have We Learned - EP Lab Digest - August 2020.
Perclose ProGlide Versus Surgical Closure Outcomes - Real World Evidence. Schneider, Darren B; Krajcer, Zvonimir; et al. LINC 2018
Perclose™ ProStyle™ SMCR System - Instructions for Use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.
Primary intention healing occurs where vessel wall edges are brought together, adjacent to each other. This can be achieved with sutures and other methods. Advances in Skin & Wound Care: Healing by Intention. Salcido, Richard. 2017.
Data on file at Abbott.
StarClose SE™ VCS System - Instructions for Use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.
Burke et al. StarClose Vascular Closure System (VCS) is Safe and Effective in Patients Who Ambulate Early Following Successful Femoral Artery Access Closure - Results from the RISE Clinical Trial. CCI 2012, 80:45-52.
FemoStop™ II Plus Femoral Compression System - Instructions for Use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.
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