StarClose SE™ Vascular Closure System

360-Degree Extravascular Closure

The StarClose SE™ Vascular Closure System (VCS) can be utilised after arterial access procedures using 5-6F introducer sheaths and provides safe1, easy and extravascular percutaneous closure after diagnostic or interventional procedures. The system offers:

  • Rapid ambulation and haemostasis2
  • Extravascular closure with no intravascular footprint3
  • High technical procedure success rate*—a 100% success rate in the CLIP2 and RISE1 studies for diagnostic patients.

*Defined as attainment of final haemostasis using any method and freedom from major vascular complications


  1. Burke et al. StarClose Vascular Closure System (VCS) is Safe and Effective in Patients Who Ambulate Early Following Successful Femoral Artery Access Closure - Results from the RISE Clinical Trial. CCI 2012, 80:45-52.
  2. Hermiller et al. Clinical Experience with Circumferential Clip-Based Vascular Closure Device in Diagnostic Catheterization. JIC, October 2005, Vol 17 Issue 10.
  3. Data on file at Abbott.

MAT-2409383 v1.0