Reduce the
Knowledge Gap

a male and a female hospital staff looking at a digital chart

A lack of representation in clinical trials contributes to a global misunderstanding of the pathophysiology and sex-specific symptoms of heart failure and how they present in women.


Knowledge Gaps & Consequences1

Lower quality of life, poor risk factor management and measures of primary prevention.

icon of a human heart

Lack of sex-specific data and guidelines on appropriate medications and their respective doses.

icon of a medicine bottle

Higher rates of medication-related adverse events or complications.

icon of a chart with a arrow pointing up

Lack of sex-specific criteria for device intervention.

icon of a heart device

Higher rates of adverse LV remodeling.

icon of swirling circle


  1. Carolyn S.P. Lam, Clare Arnott, Anna L. Beale, Chanchal Chandramouli, Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner, David M. Kaye, Bonnie Ky, Bernadet T. Santema, Karen Sliwa, Adriaan A. Voors (2019) Sex differences in heart failure. European Heart Journal (2019); 40, 3859–3868. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehz835

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