Entrant ICD Solutions

Single and Dual chamber Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators

 Entrant VR and DR ICD devices next to a phone displaying the myMerlinPulse app

Proven Therapy Assurance

Key clinical outcomes for Entrant™ ICD solutions include:

98.4% of patients did not receive inappropriate shocks in REDUCE-IT study (CI:97.2-99.2, p<0.0001)1

>800 patients annually with challenging arrhythmias could have their lives saved because of VF Therapy Assurance2

 Manuals & Technical Resources

Manuals & Technical Resources

 Customer Service

Customer Service

This device is commercially available for use in select international markets.


  1. Veltmann C, Wöhrle A, Busch M, et al. Reduction of inappropriate shocks of ICDs with enhanced SVT discriminators. EUROPACE presentation; 2017.
  2. Data on file. 60101422 Internal Validation Report. Total 2019 global high-voltage implants, all manufacturers, estimated to be 440,434 units (Source: Abbott Market Research).

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