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AVEIR™ VR Ventricular Leadless Pacemaker (LP) Changed Bob Eikey’s Life After Years of Mysterious Episodes

Abbott Cardiac Rhythm Management | July 2, 2024


The biggest reward in producing life-changing technology is hearing the personal stories of people who have benefitted from this innovation. Here is a firsthand account of the AVEIR VR Ventricular LP making a powerful difference in a patient’s life.

Bob Eikey was an expert marksman with a lifetime history of low heart rate for which the attributes his success as a competitive rifleman. But after years of experiencing several episodes of passing out accompanied by fluttering in his chest, he eventually went to see a board-certified cardiologist, Dr. Hamid Afshar, at the VA hospital. Dr. Afshar’s holistic approach to his care resulted in a diagnosis of atrioventricular (AV) block.

Bob Eikey

Dr. Afshar was already familiar with the AVEIR VR Ventricular LP designed to treat patients with significant bradycardia and normal sinus rhythm with only rare episodes of AV block or sinus arrest and chronic atrial fibrillation. He immediately recognized it as a good fit for Bob with its mapping prior to fixation capability, long-term retrievability, and increased battery longevity, with up to TWICE THE BATTERY CAPACITY of current VR leadless pacemakers.2,4* And with no arm movement restrictions, lead- or pocket-related complications, or physical reminder of a pacemaker, the AVEIR VR Ventricular LP is a better option than traditional pacemakers for younger patients like Bob.

Determining this solution for Bob led him to becoming the first Texas patient ever to be implanted with the AVEIR VR Ventricular LP. Learn more about this – as Bob calls it – “reassuring technology” by visiting our single chamber LP webpage. While you’re there, you can also learn about the latest on safety, effectiveness, and upgradeability on the AVEIR™ AR Atrial LP – the only atrial leadless pacemaker.1

To discover other life-changing technology, view the Abbott Cardiac Rhythm Management portfolio found here.



* Battery longevity estimates based on projections derived from published technical specifications and the ISO standard settings

  1. AVEIR DR FDA Approval.
  2. Aveir™ VR Leadless Pacemaker and Delivery Catheter IFU. ARTEN600175956.
  3. Reddy, VY, et al. Worldwide Experience with Leadless Pacemaker Retrievals at 9 years. Presented at 15th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) Scientific Session; Nov 18-20, 2022; Singapore.
  4. Micra‡ VR IFU M991010A001 REV. B
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