EnSite Precision

Cardiac Mapping System


EnSite Precision™ Cardiac Mapping System


Brief Summary: Prior to using these devices, please review the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse events, and directions for use.

United States: Required Safety Information

Indications: The EnSite Precision™ Cardiac Mapping System is a suggested diagnostic tool in patients for whom electrophysiology studies have been indicated. The EnSite Precision™ System interfaces to either the MediGuide™ Technology System or the EnSite Precision™ Module to combine and display magnetic processed patient positioning and navigation mapping information. When used with the EnSite™ Array™ Catheter, the EnSite Precision™ Cardiac Mapping System is intended to be used in the right atrium of patients with complex arrhythmias that may be difficult to identify using conventional mapping systems alone. OR, when used with an EnSite Precision™ Surface Electrode Kit, the EnSite Precision™ Cardiac Mapping System is intended to display the position of conventional electrophysiology (EP) catheters in the heart.

Warnings: Refer to the ablation catheter labeling for a listing of adverse events related to the use of this device in conjunction with radio frequency ablation, as a part of the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. For patient safety, any connections that directly connect the patient to the EnSite Precision Cardiac Mapping System must be routed through the appropriate module: EnSite Precision Link, Sensor Enabled™ NavLink, EnSite Precision Field Frame, ArrayLink, CathLink, SJM ECG Cable, RecordConnect, or GenConnect. When using the EnSite Precision Module full protection against the effects of cardiac defibrillator discharge and other leakage currents is dependent upon the use of appropriate cables. Refer to the ablation catheter labeling for a listing of adverse events related to the use of this device in conjunction with radio frequency ablation, as a part of the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

Precautions: Do not operate the EnSite Precision Field Frame within 10 meters (m) of another operating Field Frame. Do not place the EnSite Precision Field Frame cable inside the measurement volume or wrap it around the Field Frame, as it may create a magnetic interference. Do not coil the EnSite Precision Field Frame cable. The cable carries enough electric current that a magnetic field will be created when the cable is placed in a circular formation. This magnetic field may disturb the Field Frame’s magnetic field. Do not place the EnSite Precision Link, Sensor Enabled™ within 1 m of the EnSite Precision Field Frame - Do not place tool cables within 30 millimeters (mm) of the EnSite Precision Field Frame cable. If placed this close—particularly if the cables are parallel to each other—the tool cable may become subject to electromagnetic interference. Metallic equipment used in close proximity to the magnetic field during the procedure, such as a sterile drape holder, may affect Sensor Enabled (SE) points and SE field scaling accuracy. Do not use the EnSite Precision Cardiac Mapping System in the presence of other magnetic fields. Do not drop the EnSite Precision Field Frame or subject it to impact. Physical damage to the Field Frame may alter the Field Frame’s factory calibration.

MAT-2408097 v1.0
