Acelis VAD Services Support Better Outcomes

VADWatch™ patients performing regular
testing experienced a 52% reduction in risk
of LVAD-related readmissions1

Acelis Remote VAD Monitoring Services

Support Better Outcomes with VAD Services

Acelis Connected Health (ACH) VAD services include comprehensive support for all major LVAD manufacturers that extends from equipment and supplies to remote patient monitoring tools.

Comprehensive Capabilities

Including support for all major LVAD manufacturers that extends from equipment and supplies to remote patient monitoring tools, plus broad managed care coverage able to service 75% of U.S. lives.2

Comprehensive Capabilities



of Major LVAD


Including HeartMate™ LVAD,
HeartWare, and Syncardia

HealthCheck app

HealthCheck App For
Your Patients

An easy way to receive notifications, review PST results, and manage prescriptions and inventory



U.S. Lives Available
to be Serviced3


Extensive Managed
Care coverage

Connected Tools for VAD Monitoring

Including Acelis Connected Health remote patient monitoring helps enable clinically supported improved outcomes,1 plus Equipment Inventory Manager helps manage patient and on-shelf inventory.

Connected tools
Customer Service

Questions About Our VAD Patient Services?

Call 866-683-7331

A Single Source for Comprehensive Capabilities

We provide the technology and services to support positive outcomes.

  • We support equipment from leading manufacturers
  • Custom supplies packages
  • Digital infrastructure that keeps patients and physicians connected
  • An experienced customer support team that provides training and ongoing support
  • Wide-ranging payer network

Our Commitment to Patient and Provider Satisfaction

Nearly all Acelis Connected Health Remote INR Monitoring and VAD patients in a recent survey reported being extremely or very satisfied with our services.1  ACH has also received the Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approvalaccreditation and SOC 2 certification, which ensure high quality standards.

Convenient Services and Supplies
VAD Brochure

Download our VAD Brochure

Customer Service

Customer Service


  1. M. Psotka, J. Svetlichnaya, V. Selby, M. Janmohamed, T. DeMarco, G. Wieselthaler, L. Klein, Divisions of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, America Heart Association, 2016. A larger cohort or randomized trial is warranted to appropriately evaluate the merits of remote monitoring.
  2. Internal Acelis Connected Health data on file.
  3. Based on ACH eRx and paper prescriptions submitted from May 2020 to August 19, 2020.

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