Coronary Dilatation Catheters

Coronary Dilatation Catheters

Explore Abbott's portfolio of coronary dilatation catheters

NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheters

Delivers a broad size matrix, excellent pushability and exceptional balloon performance for challenging anatomy.

TREK™ and MINI TREK™ Coronary Dilatation Catheters

Designed with smooth transitions for challenging anatomy.

Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter

Focused force angioplasty for non-compliant plaque modification and lesion preparation.

Data on file at Abbott.

Manufactured by OrbusNeich Medical Group Holdings Limited or its affiliates, distributed by CSI Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. CSI is a subsidiary of the Abbott Group of Companies.

Scoreflex and OrbusNeich are registered trademarks of OrbusNeich Medical Group Holdings Limited or its affiliates.

MAT-2115065 v4.0

Important Safety Information

Coronary Dilatation Catheters





Applies to TREK™ RX & OTW 2.25 mm – 5.00 mm sizes only:

The TREK™ RX & OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis, for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion
  • Balloon dilatation of a coronary artery occlusion, for the purpose of restoring coronary flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
  • Balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation

1.50 mm – 2.00 mm sizes only:

The TREK™ RX & OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis, for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion
  • Balloon dilatation of a coronary artery occlusion, for the purpose of restoring coronary flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
  • Balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation (balloon model 2.0 mm only)
  • Balloon dilatation of de novo chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO)

Applies to MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW 1.20 mm sizes only:

The MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW 1.20mm Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Initial balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis (≥ 70% stenosis).
  • Balloon dilatation of de novo chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO)

Note (applies to 2.00 mm to 5.00 mm only): Post-deployment stent expansion testing was performed on the bench with the MULTI-LINK VISION™ and MULTI-LINK ULTRA™ stents. All stents should be deployed in accordance with the manufacturer’s indications and instructions for use.


Contraindications (applies to all sizes)

The TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are not intended to be used to treat patients with:

  • An unprotected left main coronary artery
  • A coronary artery spasm in the absence of a significant stenosis


Warnings (applies to all sizes)

This device is intended for one time use only. DO NOT resterilize and / or reuse it, as this can compromise device performance and increase the risk of cross contamination due to inappropriate reprocessing.

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) should only be performed at hospitals where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery can bequickly performed in the event of a potentially injurious or life-threatening complication.

PTCA in patients who are not acceptable candidates for coronary artery bypass graft surgery requires careful consideration, including possible hemodynamic support during PTCA, as treatment of this patient population carries special risk.

Use only the recommended balloon inflation medium. Never use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the balloon.

Balloon pressure should not exceed the rated burst pressure (RBP). The RBP is based on results of in vitro testing. At least 99.9% of the balloons (with a 95% confidence) will not burst at or below their RBP. Use of a pressure-monitoring device is recommended to prevent overpressurization.

To reduce the potential for vessel damage, the inflated diameter of the balloon should approximate the diameter of the vessel just proximal and distal to the stenosis.

When the catheter is exposed to the vascular system, it should be manipulated while under high quality fluoroscopic observation. Do not advance or retract the catheter unless the balloon is fully deflated under vacuum. If resistance is met during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding.

Do not use, or attempt to straighten, a catheter if the shaft has become bent or kinked; this may result in the shaft breaking. Instead, prepare a new catheter.

Do not torque the catheter more than one (1) full turn.

Treatment of moderately or heavily calcified lesions is considered to be moderate risk, with an expected success rate of 60 – 85% and increases the risk of acute closure, vessel trauma, balloon burst, balloon entrapment, and associated complications. If resistance is felt, determine the cause before proceeding. Continuing to advance or retract the catheter while under resistance may result in damage to the vessels and / or damage / separation of the catheter.

In the event of catheter damage / separation, recovery of any portion should be performed based on physician determination of individual patient condition and appropriate retrieval protocol.


Precautions (applies to all sizes)

Note the “Use by” date specified on the package.

Inspect all product prior to use. Do not use if the package is open or damaged.

This device should be used only by physicians trained in angiography and PTCA, and / or percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).

Prior to angioplasty, the dilatation catheter should be examined to verify functionality and ensure that its size is suitable for the specific procedure for which it is to be used.

During the procedure, appropriate anticoagulant and coronary vasodilator therapy must be provided to the patient as needed. Anticoagulant therapy should be continued for a period of time to be determined by the physician after the procedure.

If the surface of the TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX or MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheter becomes dry, wetting with heparinized normal saline will reactivate the coating.

Do not reinsert the TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX or MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheter into the coil dispenser after procedural use.

The safety and effectiveness of this PTCA balloon catheter for the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) have not been established.

Applies to TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ RX only (APPLIES TO ALL SIZES), in addition to above:

The design and construction of these catheters do not provide the user with distal pressure monitoring capability.

Applies to TREK™ RX 4.50mm and5.00mm sizes only, in addition to above:

With 4.5 mm and 5.0 mm balloon dilatation catheters, some increased resistance may be noted upon insertion or withdrawal into or out of the guiding catheter. Choosing a larger guiding catheter size may minimize this.

Applies to TREK™ OTW and MINI TREK™ II OTW (APPLIES TO ALL SIZES), in addition to above:

Bench testing was conducted with 0.014” (.36mm) constant diameter guide wires to establish guide wire compatibility. If another type of guide wire is selected with a different dimensional profile, the compatibility (e.g., wire resistance) should be considered prior to use.


Adverse Events (applies to all sizes)

Possible adverse effects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation
  • Arteriovenous fistula
  • Coronary artery spasm
  • Coronary vessel dissection, perforation, rupture, or injury
  • Death
  • Drug reactions, allergic reaction to contrast medium
  • Embolism
  • Hemorrhage or hematoma
  • Hypo / hypertension
  • Infection
  • Restenosis of the dilated vessel
  • Total occlusion of the coronary artery or bypass graft
  • Unstable angina

MAT-2109405 v2.0

Coronary Dilatation Catheter


Indications For Use

The NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

a) balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis, for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion
b) balloon dilatation of a coronary artery occlusion, for the purpose of restoring coronary flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
c) balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation (balloon models 2.00 mm – 5.00 mm only)


The NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheter is contraindicated for treatment of the unprotected left main coronary artery and for coronary artery spasm in the absence of a significant stenosis


This device is intended for one time use only. DO NOT resterilize and / or reuse it, as this can compromise device performance and increase the risk of cross contamination due to inappropriate reprocessing.

Note the “Use by” date specified on the package.

The outside diameter (OD) of the distal 38 cm of the device, including the distal shaft, tip, and the balloon are coated with HYDROCOAT™ Hydrophilic Coating. Refer to PREPARATIONS FOR USE section of these instructions for further information on how to prepare and use this device to ensure it performs as intended. Failure to abide by the warnings in this labeling might result in damage to the device coating, which may necessitate intervention or result in serious adverse events.

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) should only be performed at centers where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery is available.

PTCA in patients who are not acceptable candidates for coronary artery bypass graft surgery requires careful consideration, including possible hemodynamic support during PTCA, as treatment of this patient population carries special risk.

Persons with known history of allergies to any of the components of this device listed below may suffer an allergic reaction to this coronary dilatation catheter. Prior to its use on the patient, the patient should be counseled on the materials contained in the device, and a thorough history of allergies must be discussed. This device contains: polyethylene oxide coating, polyamide, polyether block amide (PEBAX), polyethylene and stainless steel.

Use only the appropriate balloon inflation media. Do not use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the balloon. If gaseous medium is used and balloon rupture occurs there is a potential of causing air embolism and / or vessel injury. Balloon pressure should not exceed the rated burst pressure (RBP). Use of a pressure-monitoring device is recommended to prevent over pressurization.

To reduce the potential for vessel damage, the inflated diameter of the balloon should approximate the diameter of the normal or undiseased vessel segment, just proximal and distal to the stenosis.

Do not use or attempt to straighten a catheter if the shaft has become bent or kinked; this may result in the shaft breaking. Instead, prepare a new catheter.

Treatment of moderately or heavily calcified lesions is considered to be moderate risk, with increase in the risk of acute closure, vessel trauma, balloon burst, balloon entrapment, and associated complications. If resistance is felt, determine the cause before proceeding.

Continuing to advance or retract the catheter while under resistance may result in damage to the vessels and / or damage / separation of the catheter.



When the catheter is exposed to the vascular system, it should be manipulated while under high quality fluoroscopic observation. Do not advance or retract the catheter unless the balloon is fully deflated under vacuum. If resistance is met during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding.

Do not torque the catheter more than one (1) full turn.

In the event of catheter damage / separation, retrieval methods (use of additional wires, snares, and / or forceps) may result in additional trauma to the coronary vasculature and / or the vascular access site. Complications may include bleeding, hematoma, or pseudoaneurysm.

To confirm sterility has been maintained, ensure that the package sterile barrier has not been opened or damaged prior to use. Inspect all product and ensure that the device is not damaged. Care must be taken to properly size the balloon prior to use.

During the procedure, appropriate anticoagulant and coronary vasodilator therapy must be provided to the patient as needed. Anticoagulant therapy should be continued for a period of time as determined by the physician after the procedure.

If the surface of the coronary dilatation catheter becomes dry, wet with heparinized normal saline to reactivate the coating.

Do not reinsert the coronary dilatation catheter into the coil dispenser after procedural use

The safety and effectiveness of these devices have not been established, or is unknown, in vascular regions other than those specifically indicated:

  • PTCA balloon catheter for the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) has not been established.
  • The pediatric population.
  • Balloon sizes 1.5 mm, 5.5 mm and 6.0 mm have not been established for balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation.


Potential Adverse Events

Possible adverse effects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to latex, contrast agent, anesthesia, device materials, and drug reactions to anticoagulation, or antiplatelet drugs
  • Vascular access complications which may require transfusion or vessel repair including: Catheter site reactions, Bleeding (ecchymosis, oozing, hematoma, hemorrhage, retroperitoneal hemorrhage), Arteriovenous fistula, pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm, dissection, perforation /rupture, Embolism (air, tissue, plaque, thrombotic material, or device), Peripheral nerve injury, Peripheral ischemia
  • Coronary artery or bypass graft complications which may require additional intervention, including:Total occlusion or abrupt closure, Arteriovenous fistula, pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm, dissection, perforation /rupture, Embolism (air, tissue, plaque, thrombotic material, or device), Thrombosis, Stenosis or restenosis
  • Pericardial complication which may require additional intervention such as cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion
  • Cardiac arrhythmias (including conduction disorders, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias)
  • Cardiac ischemic conditions (including myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction [including acute], coronary artery spasm and unstable or stable angina pectoris)
  • Stroke / cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • System organ failures: Cardio-respiratory arrest,  Cardiac failure, Cardiopulmonary failure (including pulmonary edema), Renal insufficiency
  • Blood cell disorders (including heparin induced thrombocytopenia)
  • Hypertension / hypotension
  • Infection
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Palpitation, dizziness, and syncope
  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Death

MAT-2206959 v3.0

Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter



The Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter is indicated for: Balloon dilatation of a de novo stenotic portion of a coronary artery and in-stent restenosis in coronary arteries in patients evidencing coronary ischemia for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion.


The use of the Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter is contraindicated in the following patient types:

  • Patients with an unprotected left main coronary artery.
  • Patients with coronary artery spasm in the absence of a significant stenosis.


When using this type of device, the following warnings should be observed:

  • This device is intended for single use only. Do not resterilize and/or reuse, as this can potentially result in compromised device performance and increased risk of cross-contamination.
  • This balloon is not intended for the expansion or delivery of a stent.
  • PTCA in patients who are not acceptable candidates for coronary artery bypass graft surgery require careful consideration, including possible hemodynamic support during PTCA, as treatment of this patient population carries special risk.
  • To reduce the potential for vessel damage, the inflated diameter of the balloon should approximate the diameter of the vessel just proximal and distal to the stenosis.
  • When the catheter is exposed to the vascular system, it should be manipulated while under high-quality fluoroscopic observation. Do not advance or retract the catheter unless the balloon is fully deflated under vacuum. If resistance is met during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding. Applying excessive force to the catheter can result in tip or catheter breakage, catheter kink, or balloon separation.
  • Do not twist the catheter shaft in excess of 180 degrees when the tip is constrained.
  • Balloon pressure should not exceed the rated burst pressure (RBP) indicated on the package. The rated burst pressure is based on the results of in vitro testing. At least 99.9 percent of the balloons, (with a 95 percent confidence) will not burst at or below their rated burst pressure. Use of a pressure monitoring device is recommended to prevent over pressurization.
  • To reduce the potential for air embolus into the vessel, use only the recommended balloon inflation medium. Never use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the balloon.
  • Do not re-straighten a kinked hypotube; straightening a kinked metal shaft may result in breakage of the shaft.
  • PTCA should only be performed at hospitals where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery can be quickly performed in the event of a potentially injurious or life-threatening complication.


  • Use the catheter prior to the “Use By” date specified on the package.
  • Prior to angioplasty, the catheter should be examined to verify functionality and ensure that its size and shape are suitable for the specific procedure for which it is to be used.
  • The catheter system should be used only by physicians trained in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
  • During the procedure, appropriate anticoagulant and coronary vasodilator therapy must be provided to the patient as needed. After the procedure, anticoagulant therapy should be continued for a period of time as determined by the physician.
  • Never advance the Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter without the guidewire extending from the tip.
  • Do not use oil-based contrast medium, organic solvents, or alcohols; there is a possibility of catheter leak, damage, or lubrication loss.
  • The balloon deflation time has been established as 15 seconds based on in vitro bench testing results.
  • Do not reinsert the PTCA catheter into the coil dispenser after procedural use.
  • Discard all disposable devices used during this procedure per local requirements for medical device waste disposal.


Adverse events that may be associated with the use of this product include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Death
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Total occlusion of the coronary artery
  • Coronary vessel dissection, perforation, rupture, or injury
  • Acute vessel closure
  • Restenosis of the dilated vessel
  • Unstable angina
  • Stroke, air embolism and embolization of fragmentation of thrombotic or atherosclerotic material
  • Arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation
  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension
  • Coronary artery spasm
  • Hemorrhage or hematoma
  • Arteriovenous fistula
  • Drug reactions, allergic reaction to contrast medium
  • Infection
  • Need for blood transfusion

Scoreflex NC Scoring PTCA Catheter is manufactured by OrbusNeich Medical Group Holdings Limited or its affiliates and distributed by Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (CSI). CSI is a subsidiary of the Abbott Group of Companies.

MAT-2303959 v1.0