
Access Peripheral Guide Wires

Guiding Through Access

Stainless Steel Guide Wire Core

  • Is ideal for needle access, sheath introduction, and catheter delivery1

PTFE Pre-Coating

  • Provides a superior finish with increased lubricity to reduce friction between the catheter and guide wire

Versatile Product and Options

  • Multiple lengths, tip configurations, and diameters to meet a variety of clinical needs
  • Various tip configurations including standard, straight, exchange, super stiff, firm, Bentson, and J
  • Guide wire lengths of 150 cm, 180 cm and 260 cm

Ordering Information

ProductPart NumberDiameterLengthDescription“J” RadiusFlexible
Tip Length
GuideRight™4045550.035 in150 cmStandard Straight “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045600.032 in180 cmSuper Stiff, “J”38 cm
GuideRight™4045680.025 in150 cmStandard, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045690.032 in150 cmStandard, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045700.035 in150 cmStandard, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045710.035 in180 cmStandard, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045770.035 in260 cmStandard, Exchange, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4045780.035 in150 cmFirm, “J”33 cm
GuideRight™4046100.038 in150 cmStandard, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4046170.038 in260 cmStandard, Exchange, “J”35 cm
GuideRight™4048400.035 in150 cmStandard, StraightN/A6 cm
GuideRight™4048430.035 in150 cmBentson, StraightN/A15 cm
GuideRight™4048440.035 in260 cmStandard, Exchange, Straight
N/A6 cm
GuideRight™4048780.032 in260 cmStandard, Exchange, “J”
35 cm

Full Peripheral Guide Wire Brochure

Customer Service

Data on file at Abbott.


  1. Tóth et al. How to select a guidewire: technical features and key characteristics. Heart 2015;101:645-652

MAT-2006303 v2.0

Important Safety Information




Abbott Medical Guidewires are intended for use in the percutaneous introduction of catheters.


There are no known contraindications for these devices.


For Single Use Only! Single-use devices are designed and tested for only one patient application. These are disposable devices and are not designed for reprocessing and reuse. Reuse of designated “single-use” devices creates a risk of patient or user infections due to prior patient use and the difficulty in cleaning the narrow structures at material interfaces following direct blood contact. Contamination or reprocessing cleaning agent residues may lead to adverse patient reactions and may damage the device. Use of non-Abbott Medical packaging may compromise device functionality and sterility due to compromised protection from shipping and handling damage. The absence of labeling after reprocessing, may lead to misuse of the device and impaired traceability. Reprocessing and reuse may result in patient or user injury, permanent impairment or death.


Procedures requiring percutaneous catheter/guidewire introduction should not be attempted by physicians unfamiliar with the possible complications. Complications may occur during certain procedures but may not be limited to air embolism, hematoma formation, sepsis/infection, excessive bleeding, vessel damage.

MAT-2008757 v3.0
