Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter

Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter: True Confidence

Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter is used for intravascular imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter is compatible with OPTIS™ Next Systems (Ultreon™ 1.0 Software), OPTIS™ Systems (AptiVue™ Software version E.5.1 or higher) and ILUMIEN™ Systems (AptiVue™ Software version D.3 or higher).1

The new catheter design helps to achieve true confidence through confident deliverability and confident treatment decisions2

  • Navigate tortuous anatomy to access distal lesions
  • Provide brighter and higher quality images2
 brighter and higher quality images
Dragonfly OpStar Imaging Catheter
Dragonfly OpStar Imaging Catheter
Dragonfly OpStar Imaging Catheter

Confident Deliverability

NEW Redesigned shaft for increased pushability through tortuous anatomy2

NEW Tapered, three-layer guide wire rail tip for improved lesion crossability2

NEW Reinforced guide wire port; reinforced, straightened guide wire exit for improved trackability2

Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter

Dragonfly OPTIS imaging catheter

Confident Treatment Decisions

NEW Redesigned lens provides 44% brighter images to help enhance External Elastic Lamina (EEL) and morphology2


Updated construction for improved durability, brightness and image quality


Heightened focus where you need it

*Data on file at Abbott. Comparative claims versus the previous generation of the device, Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter
*Data on file at Abbott. Comparative claims versus the previous generation of the device, Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter

NOTE: Images acquired using AptiVue™ Software.

NEW Shorter lens to tip distance to accommodate distal lesion imaging2


Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter

Dragonfly OpStar imaging catheter 24mm Tip to Lens Distance


Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter³

Dragonfly OPTIS imaging catheter 28 mm lens to top distance

NEW Proximal marker location is farther from the imaging lens in order to frame a 75 mm pullback2

NEW Lens marker now immediately proximal to imaging lens (the Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Lens is 1-2 mm proximal to lens)2

Dragonfly OpStar imaging catheter marker location compared to Dragonfly OPTIS imaging catheter


  1. Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter Instructions for Use. Refer to IFU for additional information.
  2. Data on file at Abbott. Comparative claims versus the previous generation of the device, Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Imaging Catheter.
  3. Dragonfly™ OPTIS™ Instructions for use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.

MAT-2413967 V1.0