Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter

Software Compatibility

The Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter is compatible with OPTIS™ Next Systems (Ultreon™ Software), OPTIS™ Systems (AptiVue™ Imaging Software version E.5.2.1 or higher) and ILUMIEN™ Systems (AptiVue™ Software version D.3 or higher)1


OPTIS™ Next SystemsUltreon™ 1.0 Software
OPTIS™ Imaging SystemsAptiVue™ Software version E.5.2.1 or higher
ILUMIEN™ SystemsAptiVue™ Software version D.3 or higher


Ultreon™ 2.0 Software

Compatible OPTIS System Screen


Ultreon™ 1.0 Software

Compatible OPTIS™ Next System Screen

Compatible OPTIS System Screen

Compatible OPTIS™ System Screen

Compatible OPTIS System Screen

Compatible ILUMIEN™ System Screen

Compatible ILUMIEN System Screen

If your system is not compatible with Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter, you will see the following error messages.


Incompatible OPTIS™ System Screen

Incompatible OPTIS System Screen


Incompatible ILUMIEN™ System Screen

img-responsive ir-col-box-img


  1. Dragonfly OpStar™ Imaging Catheter Instructions for Use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.

MAT-2413969 V1.0