Entrant ICD Solutions

Single and Dual chamber Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators

Entrant ICD Solutions

Technology Overview

Enhanced Detection and Treatment

Experience increased detection capabilities in traditionally challenging arrhythmias with Abbott’s new discriminator, VF Therapy Assurance.

Decrease time

Decrease time to treatment for arrhythmias in patients likely to be hemodynamically unstable

>800 patients annually with challenging arrhythmias could have their lives saved because of VF Therapy Assurance1

Safer Management of Care

Manage high DFTs with the industry’s most flexible option, DeFT Response™ technology. The programming options are designed to optimize rescue therapy to meet each patient’s unique physiology and changing needs.

Customized matching of shock waveform to patients’ cellular response time to lower DFTs

shock waveform

100% success in preserving a 10J safety margin with DeFT Response technology vs. 83% achievement of 10J safety margin in fixed-tilt group of patients with competitive devices2


Reduced Inappropriate Therapy

ShockGuard™ technology with DecisionTx™ programming is designed to reduce inappropriate therapy and minimize the need for programming adjustments at implant.


98.4% of patients did not receive inappropriate shocks at 1 year (CI: 97.2 -99.2, p<0.0001)3

Manuals & Technical Resources

Manuals & Technical Resources

Customer Service

Customer Service

This device is commercially available for use in select international markets.


  1. Data on file. 60101422 Internal Validation Report. Total 2019 global high-voltage implants, all manufacturers, estimated to be 440,434 units (Source: Abbott Market Research).
  2. Gabriels J, Budzikowski AS, Kassotis JT. Defibrillation waveform duration adjustment increases the proportion of acceptable defibrillation thresholds in patients implanted with single-coil defibrillation leads. Cardiology. 2013;124(2):71-75.
  3. Veltmann C, Wöhrle A, Busch M, et al. Reduction of inappropriate shocks of ICDs with enhanced SVT discriminators. EUROPACE presentation; 2017.

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