HeartMate 3 LVAD

With Full Maglev Flow Technology

Advanced Heart Failure Today

Heart failure is a complex, progressive syndrome that can be challenging to manage.1,2 It is associated with a markedly poor prognosis and significantly reduced quality of life, leading to increased risk of death.1,2

>1M People are Annually

Hospitalized Due to Heart Failure3

1M People are annually

Up to 20% of People

Will Develop Heart Failure4

Up to 20% of people

74% of Heart Failure Patients

Suffer from at Least 1 Comorbidity: More Likely to Worsen the Patients Overall Health Status5

74% of heart failure patients

Today, left ventricular assist
devices (LVADs) are making a better
future possible for many patients
with advanced heart failure.6


Treatment Path

From preventing heart-failure–related hospitalization to improving quality of life and extending survival, clinicians play a critical role in identifying heart failure progression early enough to make a significant difference in patients’ lives.

It’s important to recognize when medications alone are not enough, and advanced therapies need to be considered.2

Devices by NYHA Class

In New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class II heart failure, cardiac resynchronization therapy may be appropriate.7

As disease progresses to NYHA Class III, actionable, remote measurement of pulmonary arterial pressure is proven to reduce heart failure hospitalizations and mortality.8,9

Triggers for consideration of LVAD Therapy:10

  i. Persistently high PA pressures
  ii. Non-responsive to diuretics or neurohormonal agents
  iii. 6 MWD < 300 m
  iv. Heart failure hospitalizations
  v. ECHO exam unchanged


Advanced Therapies

Clinicians play a critical role in identifying heart failure progression early enough to help prevent heart failure-related hospitalizations, improve quality of life and extend survival for patients.

Even with optimal medical management, medications can become less effective as heart failure progresses. It’s important to recognize when medications alone are not enough, and advanced therapies need to be considered.2

Fortunately, continuous innovation is creating more options for patients with advanced heart failure, offering more hope for better lives.

Heart transplantation continues to be limited by the shortage of donor hearts or wait times.11 With HeartMate 3™ LVAD outcomes, LVAD therapy can be considered for more patients with advanced heart failure.6

HeartMate 3 LVAD outcomes
Manuals & Resources

Manuals & Resources

Customer Service

Customer Service

This device is commercially available for use in select international markets.


  1. Rogers JG, Pagani F, Tatooles A, et al. Intrapericardial left ventricular assist device for advanced heart failure. New Engl J Med. 2017;376:451-460.
  2. AbouEzzeddine OF, Redfield MM. Who has advanced heart failure? Definition and epidemiology. Congest Heart Fail. 2011;17:1-18.
  3. Martin SS, Aday AW, Almarzooq ZI, et al. 2024 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: A Report of US and Global Data From the American Heart Association [published correction appears in Circulation. 2024 May 7;149(19):e1164. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001 247]. Circulation. 2024;149(8):e347-e913. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000001209.
  4. Cowie MR, Anker SD, Cleland JGF, et al. Improving care for patients with acute heart failure: before, during and after hospitalization. ESC Heart Failure. 2014;1(2):110-145. doi:10.1002/ehf2.12021.
  5. van Deursen VM, Urso R, Laroche C, et al. Co-morbidities in patients with heart failure: an analysis of the European Heart Failure Pilot Survey. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2014;16(1):103-111. doi:10.1002/ejhf.30.
  6. Mehra M, Uriel N, Naka Y, et al. A Fully Magnetically Levitated Left Ventricular Assist Device-Final Report. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:1618-1627.
  7. Jessup M, Brozena S. Heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2003;348:2007-2018.
  8. Shavelle DM, Desai AS, Abraham WT, et al. Pulmonary artery pressure-guided therapy for ambulatory heart failure patients in clinical practice: 1-year outcomes from the CardioMEMS post approval study. Presented at: ACC; March 17, 2019.
  9. Abraham J, et al. Association of Ambulatory Hemodynamic Monitoring with Clinical Outcomes in a Concurrent Matched Cohort Analysis. JAMA Cardiology. 2019;4:556-563.
  10. Fang J, Ewald G, Allen L, et al. Advanced (Stage D) Heart Failure: A statement from the HFSA guidelines committee. J Card Fail. 2015;21(6):519-534.
  11. Hscich, EM. Matching the Market for Heart Transplantation. Circ Heart Fail. 2016;9:e002679.

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