Health Economics and Reimbursement

Health Economics and Reimbursement


The Global Health Economics and Reimbursement Team are experts on establishing reimbursement and demonstrating the economic value of Abbott technologies. We work in every stage of product life - from product development to medical coding and payment. Our goal is to demonstrate to patients worldwide the real value of life improving technologies through economic evidence, medical policy and provider reimbursement.

Additional Information

  • Health Secretariat is one of the Federal secretariats that integrates the so-called legal cabinet of Mexico´s president. Its main duties are:

    • Conduct the national policy for social assistance, medical services and general welfare, as well as coordinate health services programs created by the federal public administration;
    • Create and administrate health, public assistance and social therapy institutes anywhere in Mexico, and organize the public assistance of Mexico City;
    • Organize and supervise private welfare institutions as defined by related laws, and integrate their trustees observing founder’s willingness;
    • Plan, regulate, coordinate and evaluate the National System of Health, and provide the adequate participation of all public entities in the health system chain in order to assure rights accomplishment;
    • Control over preparation, possession, use, supply, import, export and distribution of drugs and medical products.
  • General Health Council is a health authority that responds directly to the Republic President, with no intervention from any other federal secretariat, and its general dispositions are mandatory within the country. Among its main attributions are:

    • Approve the necessary agreements and additional mandatory dispositions for the country´s general health care;
    • Along with the Health Secretariat, elaborate the public social welfare institutions or any other designated by the President, the Cuadro Básico for the first level of medical attention and the Inputs Catalogue for the second and third levels, as well as update and propagate them;
    • Elaborate, publish, propagate and keep updated the Catalogue of Generic Drugs;
    • Render opinion and formulate suggestions to the Republic President which may improve the National Health System efficiency and sectorial health program accomplishment;
    • Determine actions and instruments necessary to evaluate and certify medical assistance establishments quality;
    • Concentrate, analyze and issue opinion on different evaluations made by the health sector;
    • Define treatment and drugs associated to catastrophic expenses.
  • Cofepris has under its responsibilities the regulation and health enhancement of production, commercialization, importation, exportation, publicity or involuntary exposure of: drugs and health technologies (equipment and medical devices, blood, blood products, organ transplant and health services), dangerous toxic substances (fertilizers, pesticides, chemical precursors and chemical essentials), products and services (food, beverage, tobacco, perfumery, beauty and biotechnological), occupational health (labor exposure), basic sanitation (water, market, waste and sanitary emergencies) and risks that derivates from environmental factors (water, air and ground).

  • A federal governmental institution, independent and tripartite (State, Employers and Workers), dedicated to providing health and social security services to all workers in the Mexican private sector.

  • A federal governmental organization that administrates the provision of health and social security services to federal and state public workers.

  • An organization that provides to its affiliates representation, promotion and defense of their interests before authorities and instances involved in activities which develop the pharmaceutical industry stablished in Mexico.

  • A government department that directly provides health and social security services to all National Navy employees and their families.

  • A government department that administrates the provision of health and social security services to all Mexican Army and Air Force employees and their families.

  • A state-owned company that produces, transports, refines and markets oil and natural gas in Mexico. The Health Services Sub-secretariat aims to provide comprehensive medical care to PEMEX employees and their families.

Request Information

Please email us for health economics or reimbursement information for our cardiovascular products.

This document and the information contained herein is for general information purposes only and is not intended, and does not constitute, legal, reimbursement, business, clinical, or other advice. Furthermore, it is not intended to and does not constitute a representation or guarantee of reimbursement, payment, or charge, or that reimbursement or other payment will be received. It is not intended to increase or maximize payment by any payer. Similarly, nothing in this document should be viewed as instructions for selecting any particular code, and Abbott does not advocate or warrant the appropriateness of the use of any particular code. The ultimate responsibility for coding and obtaining payment/reimbursement remains with the customer. This includes the responsibility for accuracy and veracity of all coding and claims submitted to third-party payers. In addition, the customer should note that laws, regulations, and coverage policies are complex and are updated frequently, and, therefore, the customer should check with its local carriers or intermediaries often and should consult with legal counsel or a financial, coding, or reimbursement specialist for any questions related to coding, billing, reimbursement or any related issues. This material reproduces information for reference purposes only. It is not provided or authorized for marketing use.

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