Health Economics and Reimbursement



The Global Health Economics and Reimbursement Team are experts on establishing reimbursement for, and demonstrating the economic value of, Abbott technologies. We work in every stage of product life – from product development to medical coding and payment. Our goal is to ensure worldwide patient access to life improving technologies through economic evidence, medical policy and provider reimbursement.

Department of Health Policy and Health Economy

  • This website has information from the Cardiology Journal on the use of innovative Abbott technologies such as HeartMate 3 LVAD™, Confirm Rx™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), CardioMEMS™ HF System and increasing the availability for Polish patients. The recommendations were developed during the Advisory Board in 2018 in Warsaw.

Additional Information

  • This website includes updates on the work of social programs and projects, public information on law, public procurement and the statements of health consultants from the Ministry of Health.

  • Access legal acts, DRG statistics and reports on the number of procedures performed.

  • Information on this website includes tariffs and tariff reports, tariff plans, and HTA guidelines for medical devices.

  • The Government Legislation Center includes information for projects of legal acts, the stage at which they are processed and the date of enforcement.

  • Information on scientific projects conducted by the Agency as part of research development in the field of medical sciences and health sciences.

We’re Here to Help

Please call us at +48-22-319-12-00 or email us if you need assistance or have any health economics or reimbursement questions.

This document and the information contained herein is for general information purposes only and is not intended, and does not constitute, legal, reimbursement, business, clinical, or other advice. Furthermore, it is not intended to and does not constitute a representation or guarantee of reimbursement, payment, or charge, or that reimbursement or other payment will be received. It is not intended to increase or maximize payment by any payer. Similarly, nothing in this document should be viewed as instructions for selecting any particular code, and Abbott does not advocate or warrant the appropriateness of the use of any particular code. The ultimate responsibility for coding and obtaining payment/reimbursement remains with the customer. This includes the responsibility for accuracy and veracity of all coding and claims submitted to third-party payers. In addition, the customer should note that laws, regulations, and coverage policies are complex and are updated frequently, and, therefore, the customer should check with its local carriers or intermediaries often and should consult with legal counsel or a financial, coding, or reimbursement specialist for any questions related to coding, billing, reimbursement or any related issues. This material reproduces information for reference purposes only. It is not provided or authorized for marketing use.

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