CardioMEMS™ HF System: Getting Started Guide
As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with implanting the device, although complications are very rare.1 Talk to your doctor to discuss any concerns you or your caregiver might have.
The procedure may be covered by health insurance or Medicare. After determining that you are a candidate, your care team can help explain your coverage options.
Your care team will provide you with a temporary Patient Implant Identification Card before you go home from the hospital. A permanent card will be mailed to you within a few weeks. This card provides information about the sensor so that the sensor can be identified correctly if you need a chest x-ray, CT scan, MRI or other testing in the future. Always carry your Patient Implant Identification Card with you. It will alert medical and security personnel that you have an implanted device. As a caregiver it is a good idea to have a copy of the card as well.
In addition to WiFi, readings can also be transmitted via cellular or landline network. If connection issues persist, readings are stored in the Patient Electronics System. Your readings will automatically be sent to your care teams once you are able to connect via cellular or Wi-Fi connection.
It is important to take your readings daily so that your care team can proactively manage your heart failure. If you miss taking a reading, ensure that you take a reading on the next day or as soon as possible.
No, there is no pain or sensation for you during the readings.
No, the PA sensor will not interfere with a pacemaker or an ICD,2 even when a reading is being taken.
Your care team can access your pressure readings, which provides valuable clinical insights for guiding treatment decisions. Automated alerts will be sent to your care team and if pressure readings fall outside of prespecified ranges, they will reach out to you to discuss treatment options. At this time, you cannot view your pressure readings.
If the cover becomes soiled, you may machine or hand wash it with any soap or detergent. Do not machine wash or immerse the plastic Patient Electronics System in water or any cleaning solution.
You do not need to sleep on the Patient Electronics System. While it’s the size of a pillow, you only need to lay on it for a few minutes each day to take a reading.
No, the reading does not have to be taken in the bedroom, however, you will need to find a flat surface to take your daily reading and ensure that there is a power outlet and Wi-Fi or phone line connection.
Metal in the vicinity (within about three feet) of the Patient Electronics System could cause interference. This could include jewelry, keys, belts, eyeglasses, electric heating blankets, metal bedframes or rails, or other medical equipment, such as a CPAP machine, hearing aid charger or oxygen supply. Move these objects away from your Patient Electronics System when taking a reading.
You can have an MRI scan under certain conditions. Speak with your care team and let them know that you have a CardioMEMS PA Sensor before getting an MRI scan.
Your PA Sensor is permanently implanted and does not need a battery. It doesn’t have replaceable parts and is intended to last your lifetime. You will not feel it, and it will not interfere with your daily activities. The sensor will not interfere with other devices you may have such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, etc.
There are lots of people just like you who can answer your questions and tell you about their experience living with heart failure and the CardioMEMS HF System. You can watch videos where actual patients share their real-life experiences with heart failure and answer questions about their experiences with the CardioMEMS HF System.
You can also fill out a very simple form to talk to someone who will share their story with you and can share their experience living with the CardioMEMS HF System.
Visit for more information on heart failure and the CardioMEMS HF System.
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