CardioMEMS™ HF System: Patient Conversation Aid
Your care team will discuss any changes you will need to make to your medications and daily routine.
Before the implant, you will be trained on how to take daily pressure readings.
The CardioMEMS™ PA Sensor is inserted into the pulmonary artery during a right heart catheterization.
As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with implanting the device, although complications are very rare.1
Watch an overview of the CardioMEMS HF System implant procedure
Significant improvement in quality of life1
57% Reduction in heart failure hospitalizations2
Improved survival in heart failure patients3
• Insertion of the CardioMEMS PA Sensor is a safe, proven, and commonly performed procedure.
• You will not feel the sensor, nor will it interfere with any of your other devices.
• Your care team will use the CardioMEMS HF System data to proactively treat your heart failure to keep you out of the hospital.
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