HeartMate 3 LVAD Therapy

A treatment for those with advanced heart failure

HeartMate 3 LVAD Therapy

Traveling with Your LVAD

Generally, traveling with your LVAD is easy and safe. Here are some things to know or consider:

First, Consult with Your Doctor

It’s important to notify your LVAD care team about your travel plans, so they can:

  • Help you connect with a doctor at your destination, just in case you need care.
  • Help you plan for the right level of exercise or activity while you are away.
  • Create a travel plan and emergency action plan for long-distance trips.
  • Talk with you about travel safety rules for equipment.
  • Help you think through how to manage any possible issues.
  • Provide any other relevant information.

What to bring with you

In addition to following other recommendations from your doctor:

  • Pack any medications. Bring about a week’s more than you expect to need for the trip. If traveling by plane, pack your medication in your carry-on so it’s with you for the entire journey.
  • Bring a photocopy of the prescriptions your doctor wrote, along with any related insurance or pharmacy information so you can get prescriptions filled while you’re away.

Air Travel

Do not go through an airport metal detector or body scanner with your LVAD. Tell the security agents you have a mechanical heart pump and ask for a hand search instead.

On your flight, stay hydrated and move around as much as possible. When you’re sitting, do simple ankle rotations and leg movements to keep the blood circulating in your body.

Need to show a TSA agent the components of your HeartMate 3 LVAD? Click below to see how it works.

icon of plane flying

Car and RV Travel

Avoid riding in the front seat of cars with airbags. The force resulting from an airbag opening during an accident could cause serious damage or bleeding. Your doctor will tell you whether it’s safe to drive an automobile when you have a pump. Usually, you need to wait at least 6-8 weeks after surgery before your doctor will approve you to drive. Some states have laws against letting people drive if they have a history of fainting, dizziness or cardiac arrest.

If you are able to drive, consider the following recommendations:

  • Tell family or a close friend where you’ll be going and what your route will be in case any issues come up on the road.
  • Keep your cell phone handy and charged. That way, you can be in touch any time you may need support or assistance.
Car Travel icon

Cruise Ships

Cruise ships often have a doctor and medical services on board. Before booking your trip:

  • Ask if the cruise ship provides medical resources.
  • Find out if the ship offers group cruises for people with implanted devices.
Icon of a cruise ship

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Additional Information

These materials are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or information. For any questions or concerns you may have regarding the medical procedures, devices and/or your personal health, please discuss these with your physician.

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