The Amplatzer™ Family of Vascular Plugs


Note: This section should not be used in place of the Instructions for Use. This section only provides an overview of the procedure. Refer to the Instructions for Use for additional information.1

Access the vessel and perform an angiogram using standard technique to measure the diameter of the vessel at the desired occlusion site.

Select a vascular plug with a diameter approximately 30-50% larger than the vessel diameter at the occlusion site. Ensure that the occlusion site has sufficient length so the deployed device length will not obstruct other vessels or anatomical structures.

Deployment Steps

amplatzer vascular plug steps
Steps 1-3
amplatzer vascular plug steps
amplatzer vascular plug steps
amplatzer vascular plug steps
Steps 4-5
amplatzer vascular plug steps
amplatzer vascular plug steps
Steps 6-9
amplatzer vascular plug steps
amplatzer vascular plug steps
Steps 10-12
amplatzer vascular plug steps
amplatzer vascular plug steps


Amplatzer™ Family of Vascular Plugs

Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug (AVP)

Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug II (AVP II)

Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug 4 (AVP 4)


  1. Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug - Instructions for Use (IFU). Refer to IFU for additional information.

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