Surgical Valve Solutions

Surgical Valve Solutions

The Abbott portfolio of surgical valves includes the Epic™ Platform of stented tissue valves consisting of the Epic™ Max and Epic™ Plus valves, and the Masters Series and Regent™ mechanical heart valves which are considered the gold standard and most trusted mechanical heart valves in the world. Learn more about the stented tissue valves and mechanical valves.

Tissue Heart Valves

Epic Max

Epic™ Max Stented Tissue Valve

The Epic™ Max aortic valve with Linx™ anticalcification technology is designed to provide unparalleled hemodynamics* while maintaining the Epic Platform's ease of implant, proven durability, and features designed for future intervention.

*Compared to previous Epic Platform iterations.

Epic™ Max Stented Tissue Valve

Epic Plus

Epic™ Plus Supra Stented Tissue Valve

The Epic™ Plus Supra aortic valve with Linx™ anticalcification technology is engineered to deliver excellent durability and performance, smooth & streamlined implantability, and features designed to facilitate valve-in-valve* in the aortic position.

*The safety and effectiveness of valve-in-valve procedures in an Epic™ Plus or Epic™ Plus Supra valve have not been established.

Epic™ Supra Stented Tissue Valve

Epic™ Plus Mitral Stented Tissue Valve

The Epic™ Plus mitral valve with Linx™ anticalcification technology is engineered to deliver durability and performance, excellent implantability with the low profile, one cut holder, and TMVR valve-in-valve* compatibility.

*The safety and effectiveness of valve-in-valve procedures in an Epic™ Plus or Epic™ Plus Supra valve have not been established.

Epic™ Mitral Stented Tissue Valve

Mechanical Heart Valves

Regent™ Mechanical Heart Valve

The Regent™ aortic mechanical heart valve delivers exceptional hemodynamics and clinical performance with a proven long-term legacy of structural integrity and durability.

Regent™ Mechanical Heart Valve

Masters Series Mechanical Heart Valve

The Masters Series aortic and mitral mechanical heart valves lead the way with a proven bileaflet design that results in low thrombogenicity and excellent patient outcomes. Unique design features have established Abbott mechanical heart valves as a gold standard for reliability and performance.

Masters Series Mechanical Heart Valve
Manuals & Technical Resources

Manuals & Technical Resources

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